Monthly Archives: April 2017

Busted at Jimmy’s ;)


Hello fellow Book Club Members,

Aside from the sassy waitress busting us for sneaking in more than the 2 bottle max of champagne, yesterday’s meeting was a lot of fun! Thanks to those of you who brought the booze and contributed to the great conversation. We are sorry we missed the rest of you, but hopefully we can get caught up at the next meeting which will be on June 11th at the new restaurant called “Hendrix” in Ocean Ranch (Dana Point). We are going to meet at 12:00pm and discuss our new book, “May Cause Love” over brunch and mimosas, naturally. This is the book written by Liz’s friend, Kassi, about overcoming alcoholism and her abortion while studying abroad in Florence.


check it out here:

See you all in June, if not before 🙂
