Monthly Archives: March 2015

Just checking in!


Hey ladies!  Just checking in before our next meeting on April 19th… Found this great list of books that are being made into movies in 2015, so I thought I would share as we all prepare to pick our next to read 🙂

bookbagMadame Bovary happens to be on the list as well, so maybe we’ll have a few movie dates!

See you ladies soon! ❤ Diana

Books, Brunch, Bubbles, & Bloodies!


PhotoGrid_1425245303387We had a yummy brunch this morning at our book club meeting at The Wine Bistro! Let’s just say that for half of us it was book club and the other half of us it was wine club, ha! We all agreed that The Boys in the Boat was a slower read, but those of us that made it through LOVED it!

What we loved even more was a good excuse to get together for brunch, so the next book club meeting will be at El Adobe in San Juan Capistrano for at 10:30 am brunch on Sunday April 19, 2015. 

And the next book will be…


We decided last month that the book drawn for this month would be a Classic written before 1970… Drawn randomly from a champagne cooler bucket (what else, right?) was Liz’s suggestion:

Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert, a novel from 1856, will be read in the original French. Just kidding! We didn’t pick a specific translation, but there are a few to choose from including a free Kindle edition!

Other classics that almost made it were:

Richard Wright’s Native Son

Dicken’s A Tale of Two Citites

So Big by Edna Ferber

Valley of the Dolls by Susanne Collins

Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None

The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

Next book club meeting, bring a title of a book that will be released on film this spring! We may try and have book club at Cineopolis in May or June to see the movie! In the mean time, happy reading! See you gals in April!